Each year the united states defense department invites countries to nominate sudents to west point , and to the navy and airforce academies 每年美国国防部都欢迎其他国家向西点或海空军校输送学员。
Each year , the united states defense department invites countries to nominate students to west point and to the navy and air force academies 每年美国国防部都会邀请一些国家提名学生到西点军校以及空军和海军大学入学。
The committee will invite country inside and outside famous director of art academy , experts , scholars and inside of foreign ambassador , world chinese people organization cum international companies , and other visiting businessman to discuss art and marketable long term potential , how to lead artist trend market , collector how invest art to gain business opportunity , and other questions proceed science intercourse 中外知名美术院校院长、专家、学者以及外国驻华使节、世界华人社团、跨国公司等客商与会共商艺术与市场的发展趋势,艺术家如何走向市场,收藏家如何投资艺术分享财富等议题进行学术研讨交流。